Category: Blog

  • New year, new look!

    New year, new look!

    Hello loyal listeners! This is Jackson, WVKR’s Tech Director this year. I’ve been working to give this site a much-needed facelift, so you may have noticed some changes in the past few weeks. Most excitingly, the front page now features a live radio player — no more confusing external sites and no more outdated show…

  • PLEDGE DRIVE Begins September 17th!

    PLEDGE DRIVE Begins September 17th!

  • Happy National College Radio Day, and 47th Anniversary to WVKR-FM!

    Dear WVKR Community, Today, October 6th, Is National College Radio Day, and is also the 47th Anniversary of WVKR beginning our FM broadcast! It is a day of celebration for us on both accounts.  College radio is an unmatched platform–it lifts voices, has arguably the most unique programming on any broadcast medium, and lets students…

  • Annual Pledge Drive Begins September 12th

    Hello loyal WVKR listeners! Tuesday, September 12th marks the start of our annual Pledge Drive, our major yearly fundraiser! Our Pledge Drive provides a major percentage of our annual budget and allows for both the continuation of our station as well as independent radio as a whole. This year, Pledge Drive will take place from…