Do any of the above images resonate with you? Can you see yourself in them? Imagine broadcasting the sounds of your heart (and vocal cords) at 3400 watts to 5 states, and also anywhere in the world over the web. Imagine you’re having fun and feeling really proud because that’s what it feels like to be a DJ (trust me I’d know). Ready to make this dream a reality? Well, you’re in luck:
WVKR will be holding interviews for new shows!
Saturday, May 21 – Friday, May 27
Interested in applying? Here’s what you have to do:
- Come up with an idea for a 1-hour weekly show. It’ll be a freeform music or talk show, with a few stipulations. Music shows have to be based around a genre (e.g. 70s feminist acapella), NOT a theme (e.g. my least favorite songs); the more specific the genre the better. If you’re planning a talk show, think about the topics you want to address, how you’ll structure your episodes, whether you’d like to hold interviews, if so with whom, etc.
- Make a “pilot episode” – for music, an hour-long playlist of your genre, and for talk, a sample episode. Keep “Top 40” hit songs and artists from the past 20 years off your playlists (and off your show) – if it sounds like the Billboard charts or a Hot 100 commercial radio station, it won’t vibe with our commitment to independent and underrepresented music.
- Email and schedule a 15-minute interview some time between Saturday, May 21- and Friday, May 27. You can also bring a “piece of you” show-and-tell kinda item if you wanna get personal. Interviews are held in the station lounge, on the 3rd floor of the College Center in Main Building at Vassar College. Feel free to ask in your email if you need more specific directions.
I can’t wait to hear your cool ideas :’)
-Asprey, Program Director ’16-’17