Hello all,
WVKR is preparing to begin its Spring Semester programming for 2014! Winter schedule will end at 11:59 on Sunday January 26th, which means that Monday the 27th marks the first day of the Spring schedule. The updated schedule will be posted soon, so stay tuned!
For the Spring Semester, WVKR will be accepting new show proposals from Vassar students only. Due to the incredible amount of programming added last semester, we have a very limited number of slots available. However, community members can always propose shows for the summer schedule. More information about summer programming will be available in late April and early May.
For students wanting to apply for a show, there are a few steps to complete the process. Prepare a one hour playlist and develop a coherent theme that you will be able to explore in-depth. You will also need to check out five cd’s from the music office and review them following our guidelines. To check out the cd’s, email the music directors to set up a time: wvkrmd@vassar.edu. Sign up for an interview on Saturday, February 1st from 1-4pm, and bring your playlist and reviewed cd’s.
All of this information will be posted beginning January 20th outside of the WVKR station, which is located on the third floor of the college center. There you will find more detailed instructions for show proposals, guidelines for reviewing cd’s, and a sign up sheet for interviews. If you have any questions, feel free to email programdirector@wvkr.org!
Peace and love from WVKR,
Kathryn, Program Director ’13-14