Dear Loyal Listeners,

Our annual pledge drive is upon us! WVKR is an independent station, which means we can provide commercial-free programming but only with the support of our listeners who are the dominant provider of station funds.

From Tuesday, Sept. 11 to Monday, Sept. 17 you may pledge by calling in at 845.437.7178, or at anytime by downloading the forms attached below and mailing in your pledge.

Why pledge?

1. WVKR operation is only possible with listener support.  Our listeners are the dominant provider of station funds. Please help keep independent radio alive. For one week each year we interrupt our programming to ask our devoted listeners to donate. For the rest of the year, you may enjoy non-stop, commercial free programming

2. Support your favorite shows. Let our DJs know just how much they are appreciated. The variety of programming on WVKR is achievable only because of listener contribution.

3. If you pledge to WVKR and elect to take no premiums, your pledge is tax-deductible. If you do receive premiums, the surplus of your pledge is tax-deductible

4. Take advantage of your employing company’s matching grant program to give your favorite station an added boost.

5. Your pledge helps us offset the unexpected cost of purchasing a new transmitter after we had to replace our failed transmitter last winter

6. Our online streaming costs have gone up, but we would like to remain streaming at the highest quality possible for the benefit of our listeners.

2012 Online Pledge Drive Form (PDF)

2012 Online Pledge Drive Form (DOC)

Thank you so much for your continued support of WVKR!


Rachel Vogel

General Manager






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