Summer Show Proposals and Interviews!

Hello Listeners and DJ’s,

The end of Spring Schedule is fast approaching! Summer schedule will begin Monday, May 12th at 12am. If you are interesting in submitting a show proposal for the 2014 Summer Schedule, keep reading!

To submit a show idea, there are a couple steps. Email to schedule a 15 minute interview on Saturday, May 10th between 1-4pm. Please bring an hour-long playlist (for music shows) or an hour long demo (for talk shows) to the interview. We will accept playlists in a variety of forms, such as: CD’s, Spotify/8tracks, flashdrive files, or dropbox files. Talk show submissions need to on a CD or flashdrive/dropbox file as a single 60 minute mp3. Be sure to include a written copy of the playlist that includes artist names, song titles, record labels, etc. if applicable. During the interview, you will be asked in-depth questions about the show you are submitting.

Please note that Summer 2014 show proposals are being accepted from both Vassar students and local community members. Approval of a Summer 2014 show does not guarantee that the show will continue into the Fall. 

If you have any questions at all, please email


Peace, love, and independent radio,


Program Director ’13-14







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