The Campus Current: Prison Edition

This week on The Campus Current, the team looks at the prison system and it’s various connections to Vassar.  We’ll hear activists, artists, students and intellectuals discuss and describe issues and experiences related to correctional facilities.  Starting us off we’ll hear about The Campaign to End the New Jim Crow’s recent conference “Mass Incarceration – The Shame of our Nation.”  Then we’ll look at prison systems and the arts through an interview with former inmate and dance director Andre Noel and hear Mary-Kay Lombino, Curator of Contemporary Art and Photography at the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, talk about the “outsider” art of Inez Nathaniel Walker.  Finally, we’ll hear about the involvement of two students in the various prison initiatives and programs at Vassar.  Tune in at 5 PM to 91.3 FM or go to!

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