2020 Pledge Drive!!

Hello WVKR listeners!


After a brief delay, we are once again gearing up for our favorite part of the year: our annual Pledge Drive! Pledge Drive is your opportunity to give back to WVKR and help keep independent radio alive. Formally, Pledge Drive will take place from Sunday, October 25th to Saturday, October 31st. However, we welcome pledges outside of this week-long window as well!


This is obviously not a normal year, so we are doing things a little bit differently. This year, there are three ways to make a pledge:

  1. Download and print a PDF pledge form (available here). Fill out the form, and mail it to the the following address with your check or credit card information enclosed:

    WVKR Gifts
    161 College Avenue, Box 725
    Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 

  2. Donate with your credit card via Vassar’s online donation form, available here. (Note: we cannot offer premiums if you donate via this method).

  3. Give us a call during your favorite show (845-437-7178) and we’ll take down your information and send you an invoice. (Note: this option is the slowest way for pledges to be processed and is available mainly for our listeners who have limited computer access. If you’re able to use options 1 or 2, we strongly encourage you to do so).


Here are the premiums we are offering this year:


$1.00 and up: Sticker
$25.00 and up: T-shirt (black or white, sizes S-XXL)
$25.00 and up: Face mask
$50.00 and up: Tote bag


2020 Premiums


We know that this year has presented a lot of financial burdens. Please know we appreciate each and every one of our listeners, and that no pledge is too small. As always, we are happy to offer premiums, but know that if you elect not to receive a premium, 100% of your pledge will go to WVKR.


If you choose to donate without receiving premiums, then your entire donation is tax-deductible. If you choose premiums then only the surplus of your pledge is tax-deductible.


A note on premium shipment delays: we are aware that in the past couple of years, premiums were delivered way later than they should have been. Please don’t be angry with our DJs—they aren’t in charge of sending out premiums. Due to personnel changes, as well as unforeseen obstacles in both years (problems with T-shirt shipments in 2018-19, Covid-19 in 2019-2020), the executive staff struggled to process payments and send out premiums in a timely manner. We are deeply sorry for these unacceptable delays, and hope that they will not affect your decision to pledge in future years.


Unfortunately, we anticipate some delays this year as well due to circumstances outside of our control, including an overburdened postal service, and Vassar’s requirement that most students leave campus by Thanksgiving. We hope that our changes to the Pledge Drive process will help us circumvent these obstacles, but we cannot guarantee your premiums will arrive by Christmas. We apologize for this inconvenience, and hope that you’ll continue to be patient with us as we navigate unprecedented times.


Thank you for your continued support of this very special station. We are so grateful to all of our listeners and look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at generalmanager@wvkr.org. Long live independent radio!


With love,
Emma Bauchner
WVKR General Manager 2020-21






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