A Note from a WVKR Alumnus

We recently received a thoughtful note from Jay Briar, former WVKR DJ and executive staff member, catching us up with where life has taken him since graduation. We thank Jay for his kind letter and encourage all former DJs or staff members reading this to drop us a line through the mail (Box 726, 124 Raymond Ave, Poughkeepsie, NY 12604) or e-mail (promotions@wvkr.org).  We would love to hear from you!

Here is Jay’s letter:

“Hello from Washington, DC, where I’ve long since traded the studio microphone for a smaller audience: history students. Since graduating from Vassar and leaving WVKR in the summer of 1998, I’ve been teaching history (my other pastime in college) back home, first at Norwood School in Bethesda, MD and now at Sheridan School in northwest Washington, DC.

Each morning I drive past the studios and transmitter of WAMU, our NPR affiliate and the radio station of American University. I admit I haven’t shaken the radio bug completely, and last Friday I volunteered to answer phones during their member campaign. It was certainly a different experience than when I was pitching for donations at VKR; they raised $25,000 in just one hour! But it was nice to be back near the studio again, if only for a short time.

Jay Briar
Jay Briar

I’m getting married this summer to my partner of five years; another teacher with whom I’m basking in the relative job security of education. And I still make my donation to WVKR every year, as I hope my fellow DJ alums do, as well. DC is a town without a true college station, so I’m glad to pick up VKR online from time to time and gratified to hear some of the long-time voices that were there long before me, like Bill Eberle, Doug Price, and all the Polka Rascals. It’s also great to see the continued dedication of some folks that came on board on my watch, like Peter Clark, a long time Hudson Valley radio personality who finally “made it big” on college radio, and Julie Broccoli, who took a modest jazz show and turned it into a voice for justice.

I also got to see several old colleagues like Frank and Judy when I was at the station last spring during my 10 year reunion. Best wishes to everyone in the WVKR family!”

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